Tuesday, March 9, 2010


I ordered a coffee today and the waiter brought me a ham and cheese sandwich. Whoops.

Anyways, on a different note, things are really hot and sticky here. It was 31 degrees Celsius here today (87.8) and almost full humidity. It really makes the crammed subway rides that much more enjoyable. This morning I had to catch the 9:00 AM subway, the worst possible subway, and was jammed into a crowd of people who literally elbow their way on and off the train. Within 20 seconds of being crammed into this crowd you feel other people's sweat rolling down your arms and soaking your shirt. Gross.

I did step 1 of my visa this morning and bought the newspaper to read while waiting. I didn't get a chance to read it. Immigration police stations are really confusing.

Later I signed up for classes at the University of Buenos Aires. This is the school with 380,000 students. I was supposed to go to my first class tomorrow but we got an email saying that the professor was traveling and wouldn't return, for personal reasons, until next month. So, we have to make up the classes in April, May, and June. Yes, hello Argentina.

The way my class sign up has worked is that I have two weeks to go to classes. I have signed up for about 15 with overlapping times and locations. I try to go to all of them this and next week. I then get to see which materials interest me, which professors interest me, and whether or not my head will explode from Spanish overload (likely). What a civilized system.

I think I might sign up for Tango classes. Wish me luck. I have never taken a dance class in my life. I think I will probably embarrass the hell out of myself. Oh well! When in Rome.

Thursday we travel to Tigre, a small town upriver from Buenos Aires. It is only about 45 min. outside of the city. We will be staying in a hotel and split up into two groups. It should be fun, as long as I don't get eaten by mosquitos, which, by the way, are horrible here.

I am off to read the paper that I bought and eat some Salad that Robert is making me right now. More later.

1 comment:

  1. TYLER! You should totally take tango lessons, I would die. And then make you teach me. We meeeeess you!
